Business Plan & Feasibility Study

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you wouldn’t be blamed to approach a management consultancy firm to help you prepare a feasibility study or a business plan to make sure that your idea is viable. In fact, some would argue that it is the wise thing to do. The truth of the matter however, all of these studies and plans are based on assumptions made by management consultants who have little to no practical experience in the area at hand. Even if they were experts in the field, the variables affecting your business are never the same as other businesses rendering the consultants’ experiences as useless. After all, no two businesses are created equal. It is for that reason that we find that most of the new business startups never abide to their pre-set business plans. However, this is not to say that you shouldn’t test the feasibility of your idea before investing your hard-earned money into it – quite the contrary. All entrepreneurs should conduct some sort of feasibility study for their new ventures; however, it is their expectations out of such studies that should be calibrated.

As explained earlier, no two businesses are created equal. That is why you find some businesses flourishing while others struggle, even if they are both providing the same exact product or service. There are a great number of variables affecting any business plan. Some, such as rent, salaries, pricing, and cost, are obvious. Others, such as the speed in which management decisions are taken, quality control measures, and customer satisfaction, are harder to determine and quantify. For that reason, feasibility studies will never ensure the success of a business idea. Indeed, they shouldn’t. The true objective of a feasibility study is to ensure that the entrepreneur is well informed before venturing into unchartered territories. To achieve this objective, the entrepreneur will need to be part of the development of his study.

If you have commissioned a management consultant to conduct a feasibility study on your behalf, don’t simply take his assumptions for granted – challenge them! Management consultants may be experts with numbers and statistics; however, you will find that if you dig deep enough, there is always an underlying assumption to any figure that they will state in your feasibility study. To ensure that your feasibility study gives a higher level of assurance to the viability of your idea, it is your mission to challenge those underlying assumptions and make sure that they make sense to you.

The objective of the feasibility study or business plan for you should not simply be a yes or no verdict to go ahead with the idea. You will benefit the most by being part of the model preparation stage in which all the assumptions and calculations are set. That is where you will be able to think about and put all the intricate details of your idea onto paper and discover challenges that might have previously been hidden from you. It is your management consultant’s job to help you uncover these challenges and quantify them.

Finally, always approach your business plan with a practical mindset. For instance, if the assumption was made to sell your product or service to 10% of the population of the area in which you will operate, think of how will you reach that market segment. Is it going to be through social media ads, conventional marketing, or some other marketing method? Who will manage the marketing campaign? What would be the approach? How often will you need to conduct such campaigns? And most importantly, how will you measure the effectiveness and when would be the time to change your approach?

The same applies to any assumption made within your study and this is the approach we encourage our clients to follow when we are conducting a feasibility study on their behalf. To learn more about our feasibility study and business plan services, contact us on


Phishing is one of the most used attacks by cyber criminals who want to gain personal data, banking credentials, and user accounts. Phishing is not a new threat, in fact it has been used for a long time, however, victims of this type of attack are still on the rise.

In this article we are going to explain what phishing is, types of phishing, how we can identify them and how we can protect ourselves. The dangers of the Internet are ever-present, but we can protect ourselves from them with a little caution, knowledge and awareness.

What is phishing? 

Although there is no definition of phishing itself, we can define it as the techniques or methods used by cyber criminals to obtain confidential information from their victims; This information can be personal data, user accounts and passwords or bank details. Therefore, phishing is a type of computer fraud.

The meaning of phishing comes from the English word “fishing”, and by which it refers to the fact of using a bait to get the victims of the attack to bite.

Cybercriminals who carry out phishing attacks are called “phishers”.

How does phishing work? 

One of the characteristics of phishing is that it is a social engineering technique that cybercriminals use to scam their victims and achieve their goals.

Usually, an attacker sends an email in which they pose as a company or organization (such as banks, streaming platforms, online stores, etc.). The email mentions a problem that needs to be solved (the “threat” of blocking credit cards or user accounts is common) and contains a link that the victim will have to click to solve it.

This link normally leads to a fraudulent website, but which imitates (sometimes very well) the real page of the company in question. Here the victim will be asked to enter different types of data, depending on the intention and objective of the phishing attack and the hackers behind it, or some type of malware will be directly be downloaded to the victim’s computer, allowing them to access the information stored in it.

Although it is commonly used in emails, the truth is that there are other avenues of attack, such as instant messaging services, SMS, messages on social networks or even voice messaging applications or the telephone.

The content that we can find in these messages can vary from referring to cards or bank accounts, we can also find other types of content such as false job offers, promotion of new products, alleged lottery in which we have been winners, cancellation of user accounts in online games, etc.

As we will know in the upcoming blogs, there are various types of phishing attacks, however, their objectives are usually always similar, to obtain personal and banking details of the victims.




Managing a multifaceted project can be a daunting task. The challenges that each project brings along with it can put the most experienced managers to the test. This is not to say that your in-house staff are lacking experience, on the contrary. Sometimes, a novel view onto a problem may be exactly what is needed to overcome it. Also, your most experienced staff are required elsewhere in the organization to run the day-to-day operations. Taking them off their assignments to manage a new project can spell chaos to the business at hand. Therefore, outsourcing your project management needs can be just the solution you need to ensure a successful project delivery without compromising the quality of your daily operations.

A professional project management consulting firm has experienced professional who can shed new light onto existing challenges. We have summarized the main benefits of outsourcing your project management needs in the points below:

  1. Directly address issues related to the project

When a company embarks on a high-risk project, it often causes management to recognize that a better project management expert is required. Consultants are often hired to address various project-related issues, such as: poor on-time performance (key dates are not met), unsatisfactory financial results (unnecessary expenses to meet deadlines), dysfunctional team dynamics (poor communication , internal issues and distraction) and complicated composition of teams (multilocation, language barriers).

By providing the appropriate methodology, project management training, resources, and technology, a project management consulting firm can help executives determine how to best utilize the resources available for the project.


  1. Covering a gap

Sometimes projects are launched without considering the experience of the delivery team members. By hiring an experienced project manager, you can ensure the availability of the necessary expertise to drive the project to a successful outcome regardless of the complexity, scale, and uniqueness of the project.


  1. Contribution of advanced management analysis

In many cases, senior management have difficulty evaluating project performance and making informed decisions simply because they do not have access to key project information. A specialized project management consultancy firm can provide the reports and analyses necessary to equip managers with key information about future obstacles, possible project difficulties, and potential resource constraints. When this type of information is incorporated as part of a more inclusive project management approach, the consultant can turn standard project information, a reactive overview of historical information, into a predictive analytics tool.


  1. Improve cost management

Hiring the right project management consulting firm can result in savings on the long run. One in six projects overrun their budget by 200% and suffer a schedule overrun of 70%. An experienced project manager can ensure avoidance of unsatisfactory financial results (unnecessary expenses to meet deadlines), which also ensures staying within the project’s execution plan.


A professional project management consulting firm can provide a combination of experience, knowledge, and advanced tools that are not immediately available in most companies. By combining these capabilities with an understanding of project management best practices, it is easy to see how the benefits of hiring a professional project management consulting firm can far outweigh the extra expenses. Therefore, if you want to guarantee the successful delivery of your projects and adhere to your budget and timeline, you should not hesitate in contacting a professional project management consulting firm such as H.A. Consultancies to help you with your next project.

For more information on our Project Management Consultancy Services, contact us now.

We’ve all heard about the amazing success stories of mobile apps around the world. Uber, Careem, Talabat, Carriage, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat… just to name a few. The required capital is minimal compared to the potential returns. Therefore, it is not surprising that many aspiring entrepreneurs out there would want to follow suit.

If you have an idea for a mobile app and are wondering where to start with the development, this article is for you.

First of all, let’s share some statistics.

  • Only 2.5% of companies complete their projects 100% successfully. (Gallup)
  • The average IT project overruns its budget by 66%. (McKinsey)
  • One in six IT projects overrun its budget by 200% and suffer a schedule overrun of 70%. (HBR)
  • 17% of IT projects can go so bad that they can threaten the very existence of the company (McKinsey)

The return on a successful mobile app may be appealing, however, the risks of failure are also very real. It would be a shame if you have a world-changing idea which never comes to light due to reasons which could have been avoided. Therefore, it is important to have a clear plan prior to the start of your mobile app development journey in order to minimize risks of failure.

The 10 Steps of Mobile App Development



  • Step 1: Write down your feature list
  • Step 2: Do the market research
  • Step 3: Identify the users/audience
  • Step 4: Identify the monetization strategy
  • Step 5: Create a rough sketch/wire frame
  • Step 6: Approach mobile app developers and get estimates
  • Step 7: Complete the UI/UX
  • Step 8: Get the app developed and tested
  • Step 9: Launch the app and market it
  • Step 10: Gather market response and prepare for the next phase

As you might have noticed from the list, developing the app is way down at Step 8. There are 7 steps that need to be executed perfectly before any piece of code is written. This may be a cumbersome task, however, it could spell the difference between becoming the next success story or just another statistic.

Moreover, once the app is developed, there are two more crucial steps that need to be conducted. Launching and marketing the app is just as important as the idea itself. It doesn’t matter how good your app is if your potential clients never heard of it.

Finally, improving the app. If your app was launched successfully and people do realize the benefit of using it, it won’t be surprising to have copycat apps out there trying to mimic your success. Case and point, Uber and Careem, or Talabat, Hungerstation, and Carriage. The best way to avoid losing market share is to make sure that your app is continuously improved to cater to the ever-changing customer demands. In other words, once you start your journey in mobile app development, it never ends.

H.A. Consultancies has helped several clients bring their mobile app idea into reality. It has also helped some to realize the fault in their plan and avoid considerable financial losses. For more information on our Mobile App Development Consultancy Services, feel free to contact us at any time:

[email protected]

Tel: +973 17233747