The Business Model or Canvas, as it is also known, is a tool that helps starting a proper business. 

It was developed by the Swiss Alex Osterwalder to facilitate the complete understanding of a business. Thus, the model aims to describe all the elements and phases that make up an enterprise, providing the integration of the organization. 

According to the tool’s creator, the core components of a venture are: customer segments, value proposition, distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure. 

Based on a framework with organized blocks, as shown in the figure below, the Business Model provides the visualization of the main functions of an organization, thus enabling entrepreneurs to reflect on each function of the company to discover what needs to be done in order to win customers and increase the results of the venture. 

By providing a complete view of the organization’s processes, the Business Model enables us to innovate by establishing a unique value proposition for the enterprise. The main benefit of the model is its simplicity and rapid implementation. With a pen, some post-its and a good table, the entrepreneur will be able to work with a creative methodology for business improvement. He should answer the following questions: 

  • What am I going to do? 
    The answer is the value proposition 
  • Who am I going to target? 
    The idea is to define the consumer audience and the best ways to reach them 
  • How will I dothat?  
    The goal is to find out what are the key resources, activities and partners 
  • How much will I spend and how much will I get?
    The purpose is to know what the revenues are and what the cost structure will be to make the business viable 


To take advantage of the tool, the entrepreneur needs to know that each of these blocks is related to the others and that the adjustments in each phase can be made at any time, as many times as necessary, so that it is possible to perceive the business as a whole. 

Therefore, this is the way to discover how to differentiate, win customers, reduce costs and earn revenue. 



To implement the Business Model, simply follow the nine steps explained below: 

  1. Do you have an idea? 
    No problem if the idea still needs to be developed. The important thing is to insert it into the frame as this will help you visualize it better.
  2. Never write directly in the box
    Using post-itsis more productive because it allows adjustments to be made at any time. 
  3. Start work on any block
    However, the tip is to start with the double value proposition / customer segment, since this combination presents the soul of the company.
  4. Do not be afraid to make mistakes
    Even ifthe idea is not very clear, it is good to practice planning with the Canvas tool, because visualizing the idea helps you to perceive what can be improved. 
  5. Try to complete the right side of the table
    It is best to start by describing the value generation andthen organizing the efficiency of the value proposition on the left side. 
  6. No problem if there are blank points.
    In this case, the entrepreneur can take the time he needs to complete, modify, choose and refine the template.
  7. The model is a roadmap for recording and validating assumptions
    Updating the business model is a way to compete with competitors who are always improving their processes.
  8. The model allows reflections on the course of business
    Constantly working on the board is a way to visualize periodic improvements in the enterprise.
  9. Test the assumptions
    Using the chart serves to record and refine ideas. But before implementing them, it’s good to look for ways to validate with the client if the assumptionsmake sense. Try to make prototypes, demos, proposals and listen to the feedbacks, which always help to define the business model. 


How will the Business Model help me to make more profit? 

The entrepreneur must remember that innovation is the key to success. The Canvas Model enables the entrepreneur to introduce strategic innovations that will increase the company’s competitiveness. The Business Model is thus a way of improving the company’s management processes, which necessarily leads to better results, including financial results. 



We receive a lot of enquiries asking about Business Process Reengineering (BPR), what is it, what is it used for, its benefits, and when or why a company should require such a service. We hope that this article summarizes BPR and its benefits.

Business Process Reengineering has become synonymous with upgrading a company’s IT infrastructure, however, in its essence, the process aims towards increasing efficiency and eliminating losses. Whether a new IT system is implemented or not is a byproduct of the process.

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the analysis and redesign of core business processes to achieve substantial improvements in performance, productivity, efficiency and quality. A business process refers to a set of interlinked tasks or activities performed to achieve a specified outcome.

To put it simply, Business Process Reengineering aims to change the way an individual performs a task such that better results are accomplished. The purpose of Business Process Reengineering is to redesign the workflows in order to dramatically improve customer satisfaction levels, achieve higher levels of efficiency and productivity, and eliminate losses in time, effort, and cash.

A company might be compelled to undergo a Business Process Reengineering project for the following reasons:

  • The process the company is using might be outdated.
  • Often, sub-divisions in the organization aim at improving their respective division performance and overlook the resultant effects on the other departments. This might lead to the under-performance of the firm overall.
  • The existing business processes might prove to be lengthy, time-consuming, costly or obsolete, therefore, they are required to be redesigned to match current business requirements.
  • The fast pace of introduction of new technologically advanced solutions nowadays may deem a company’s system outdated and obsolete. This will require a major change in the company’s IT infrastructure triggering the need for a BPR project.


Thus, Business Process Reengineering Projects concentrate on obtaining quantum gains in terms of cost, time, output, quality, efficiency and responsiveness towards customers. Also, it emphasizes on simplifying and streamlining business processes by eliminating unnecessary or time-consuming business activities and speeding up the workflow by making use of high-tech systems.

Signs that a company might be required to undergo a BPR project include symptoms such as:

  • Reoccurring conflicts within the organization
  • An extremely high frequency of non-productive meetings
  • Unstructured communication
  • The ability of the competition to perform better using the same resources


BPR projects are considered to be an aggressive change in the company’s procedures. It is therefore governed by a set of steps and milestones that have to be reached in order to minimize the risk of unwanted business interruptions. These steps can be summarized as follows:

Step 1: Define objectives and framework

Step 2: Identify customer needs

Step 3: Study the exciting business process

Step 4: Formulate a redesign business plan

Step 5: Implement the redesign plan


For more information on Business Process Reengineering (BPR) contact us at any of our offices in Bahrain, Riyadh, Khobar, Dubai, and Oman.