We’ve all heard about the amazing success stories of mobile apps around the world. Uber, Careem, Talabat, Carriage, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat… just to name a few. The required capital is minimal compared to the potential returns. Therefore, it is not surprising that many aspiring entrepreneurs out there would want to follow suit.

If you have an idea for a mobile app and are wondering where to start with the development, this article is for you.

First of all, let’s share some statistics.

  • Only 2.5% of companies complete their projects 100% successfully. (Gallup)
  • The average IT project overruns its budget by 66%. (McKinsey)
  • One in six IT projects overrun its budget by 200% and suffer a schedule overrun of 70%. (HBR)
  • 17% of IT projects can go so bad that they can threaten the very existence of the company (McKinsey)

The return on a successful mobile app may be appealing, however, the risks of failure are also very real. It would be a shame if you have a world-changing idea which never comes to light due to reasons which could have been avoided. Therefore, it is important to have a clear plan prior to the start of your mobile app development journey in order to minimize risks of failure.

The 10 Steps of Mobile App Development



  • Step 1: Write down your feature list
  • Step 2: Do the market research
  • Step 3: Identify the users/audience
  • Step 4: Identify the monetization strategy
  • Step 5: Create a rough sketch/wire frame
  • Step 6: Approach mobile app developers and get estimates
  • Step 7: Complete the UI/UX
  • Step 8: Get the app developed and tested
  • Step 9: Launch the app and market it
  • Step 10: Gather market response and prepare for the next phase

As you might have noticed from the list, developing the app is way down at Step 8. There are 7 steps that need to be executed perfectly before any piece of code is written. This may be a cumbersome task, however, it could spell the difference between becoming the next success story or just another statistic.

Moreover, once the app is developed, there are two more crucial steps that need to be conducted. Launching and marketing the app is just as important as the idea itself. It doesn’t matter how good your app is if your potential clients never heard of it.

Finally, improving the app. If your app was launched successfully and people do realize the benefit of using it, it won’t be surprising to have copycat apps out there trying to mimic your success. Case and point, Uber and Careem, or Talabat, Hungerstation, and Carriage. The best way to avoid losing market share is to make sure that your app is continuously improved to cater to the ever-changing customer demands. In other words, once you start your journey in mobile app development, it never ends.

H.A. Consultancies has helped several clients bring their mobile app idea into reality. It has also helped some to realize the fault in their plan and avoid considerable financial losses. For more information on our Mobile App Development Consultancy Services, feel free to contact us at any time:

[email protected]

Tel: +973 17233747

work remotely

work remotely


COVID-19 has changed the world. Working remotely is merely one aspect of how we had to adapt. It is a solution that had to be implemented immediately and in a very short period of time. For companies that were not prepared beforehand, it was definitely a struggle.

This article aims to explain some of the steps, tools, and assets that need to be in place in order to ensure the most efficient transition to working from home and how this can actually increase productivity.

One of the biggest obstacles to overcome while working from home, or from anywhere other than your office, is the communication barrier. As the teams working from the office have their routine meetings, brainstorming sessions, and morning briefings, none of this seems possible while working remotely. Nevertheless, it can be done. All that is required are the right tools and know how.

There are essential things that need to be prepared prior to working remotely and, fortunately, technology has come a long way in a short period of time. Today, it’s easy to stay connected to your remote computers by having a stable VPN connection. This needs to be prepared and set up properly to allow the end users (the employees) to access the internal network/system of the company. Also, the employees need to have a computer/laptop to allow them to work remotely and access the network. Moreover, an adequate tool to communicate internally & externally that facilitates virtual meetings is necessary also to allow the employees conduct their meetings/conference calls. However, in order for all of this to work, a stable internet connection is required at both the company and the remote location.

Many companies noticed an increase in productivity from the employees working remotely. This may be due to any of the following reasons:

  • Improved flexibility: virtual communication tools make communication between computers in different time zones easier. Thanks to messaging services, you do not have to wait for a team member from the other side of the world to be available to send you important information.
  • Convenience: you do not have to bother finding a meeting place when you contact via remote communication. People can communicate from anywhere using their computer or mobile device (and Internet access), making it easy for impromptu meetings. There are even applications to record video chats, so people who cannot attend also have the possibility to see what was discussed in meetings.
  • Ease of staying connected: connecting with a teammate, supervisor, or external collaborator has never been easier. When you need to ask a quick question or send a document to a coworker, you can connect to them with a click of a button.

Of course, working remotely also has its downsides as well, such as:

  • More distractions: remote communication tools can be very annoying. Being constantly bombarded by company emails and chat groups can have a negative impact on productivity.
  • Technical difficulties/internet interruption: remote communication depends on technology. A hardware malfunction, a service interruption, or an unstable internet connection could cut communication lines for an extended period of time.

Difficulty in conveying ideas: sometimes it’s easier to explain an idea in a face to face meeting rather than a conference call or through an online chat. Some ideas just need the human interaction element to get across.



Many companies are concerned about how this ongoing pandemic is affecting the continuity of their activities and threatening their very survival.

Most business owners are concerned with how to keep their companies afloat and are updating their current procedures to accommodate events as unfortunate as the one we are experiencing.

For companies that are already ISO certified, they already have the tools in place to combat external threats. For those who are not, it is not too late.

In this series of posts, we will attempt to explain how ISO helps companies overcome the COVID-19 crisis. In this post, we are going to shed light on the ISO 27001 standard concerned with information security.

ISO 27001: Information Security

With the invasion of cloud technologies, the ISO 27001 witnessed strong growth. With the implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic, this growth is going to become exponential.

Equipment safety, backups, information exchange, network access control, laptops and mobile communications, remote access, key management, data protection and privacy of personal information, business continuity plans – surely if in your company you are working remotely, all these elements have been placed on the table. These are some of the controls established by ISO 27001 and that companies that are already certified have implemented. Therefore, their transition to working remotely or another new way of operating has been easy for them.

In addition, with the amount of malicious information circulating through the different digital media on the Coronavirus, it is imperative to keep the information safeguarded and establish security protocols within the company.

To that end, the ISO 27001 standard allows the implementation of an information security management system as an indispensable tool to protect companies and organizations from threats and risks against information.

This standard allows companies to:

  • Identify risks
  • Manage risks
  • Minimize risks

The ISO 27001 is a standard that keeps the information of the company, customers and suppliers controlled and protected from any intrusion and possible cyber pirate or cyber-attack.

About H.A. Consultancies

We are a company with more than 20 years of experience in the implementation of ISO Standards and effective management solutions for your organization:

Quality Systems – Information Security – Software Quality – Compliance

Environmental management – Occupational Safety – Food Safety – Operational Excellence

H.A. Consultancies’ team of professionals and experts in ISO certifications will help you achieve your goals by offering you the best consulting service.



The artificial intelligence and examples around us. It is likely that you have already used it on your daily commute, searching the web or checking the latest update on social networks. AI has a huge effect on your life as well as your business and in this article, we will review some examples of AI that you can implement in your organization.


Artificial intelligence examples that you can apply in your business 

Artificial intelligence involves giving machines and programs the ability to think like a human being. Companies are increasingly looking for ways to put this technology to work to improve their productivity, profitability and results. 


Business intelligence: examples of business management 

We have been using different AI applications in business management for some time. Among the best-known examples are the following: 

  • Spam filters in email or smart categorization features in email.
  • Smart personal assistants like Siri or Cortana.
  • Automation of processes, predictive systems or advanced computer security technologies.
  • Online customer support (BOTs) applications.
  • Smart devices and programs that adjust based on user behavior.


Artificial intelligence: examples in electronic commerce 

When talking about artificial intelligence, examples such as product recommendations or personalization as a service are some of the first that come to mind in the field of electronic commerce. But the e-commerce and artificial intelligence alliance goes much further, delivering news such as:

  • smart searches and relevance features 
  • purchase predictions 
  • fraud detection and prevention for online transactions 
  • dynamic price optimization based on machine learning 


Artificial intelligence: examples in marketing 

Incorporating AI into marketing increases profitability of stocks. Among the artificial intelligence applications and their examples in this field, the following stand out: 

  • Data analysis and customer segmentation. 
  • Recommendations and content curation. 
  • Automated web design and news personalization. 
  • Language recognition, as well as patterns and images. 
  • Sentiment analysis. 
  • Predictive customer service. 

All of these artificial intelligence examples illustrate only the advances of AI in some fields, there are many more and there are still new ones to come, as the pace of development of this science continues. 


Limitations of artificial intelligence: examples 

However, while the benefits of artificial intelligence to the business are many, there are also certain barriers and disadvantages to be aware of. 

One of the main limitations of AI is cost. Creating smart technologies can be expensive, due to their complex nature and the need for ongoing repair and maintenance. Software programs need regular updating to adapt to the changing business environment and, in the event of a failure, present a risk of loss of code or important data. Restoring this is often time consuming and expensive. 

Other limitations of this technology have to do with: 

  • Integration challenges.
  • Lateness caused by implementation times.
  • Usability and interoperability problems with other systems and platforms.
  • Errors due to lack of understanding of the latest generation systems.

When deciding whether to use technology powered by artificial intelligence, aspects such as: 

  1. Complexity of technology.
  2. Ethical issues.
  3. Protection of the privacy of clients and users.
  4. Loss of control over some business decisions that can affect the strategy.
  5. Possible lack of transparency.

While these risks can’t be ignored, it’s worth bearing in mind that advances in AI can, for the most part, create better businesses and better lives for everyone. If implemented responsibly, the potential of artificial intelligence is great, and examples such as those reviewed in this post demonstrate this.

We are going to explain what Google Classroom is and how it works. Google Classroom is a free tool to manage classes in the educational field. If you belong to a school, Google will ask you to use the professional G Suite account, but we will use the normal accounts so that you can see what can be done.

In this article we are not going to delve into explaining how to do each thing, but to teach you what the possibilities are. In this way, if you are considering using this tool you can get an idea of ​​how far it can go, and then it will be up to you to squeeze it to the maximum.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom


What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a tool created by Google in 2014, and intended exclusively for the educational world. Its mission is to enable a classroom to be managed collaboratively through the Internet , being a platform for learning management or the Learning Management System .

All the options of this tool are associated with a Google account , so that both the teacher and the students must have their Gmail, and their Google account will act as their identifier. This means that you will not have to create a specific account for this tool, since your Google identities will be used.

This Google tool allows you to manage online classes, and can be used both for face-to-face learning, also for 100% distance learning , or even for blended learning. Documents can be created, information shared in different formats, meetings can be scheduled and held virtually. Students can also access their classes, their notes or their assigned tasks from any device.

The main advantage of Google Classroom is that it is a totally free service, with having a Gmail account you already have access, and schools can access it with their G Suite accounts. It is also quite easy to use and incorporates real-time communication methods between teachers and students.

The tool allows assigning tasks selectively, allows documents to be shared with all classes, and facilitates the organization of information by generating automatic folder structures to organize resources. It has mobile and tablet applications in addition to the web client, so it can be accessed from virtually anywhere.

How to use Google Classroom?

To access Google Classroom, you have to be identified with your Google (or Gmail) account that you want to use within your browser. Once you have done so, you can use the classroom.google.com website to access it directly. You can also enter from the main website of Google.com , by clicking on the applications button at the top right and selecting the Google Classroom that appears with the icon on the whiteboard.

How to use Google Classroom

How to use Google Classroom


The first time you enter, you will have to confirm that you want to use the account with which you are identified by clicking on Continue . If you click on your name, you can also choose the option to identify yourself with another account that you prefer to use instead.

Then click on the + button at the top right , and a small menu will be displayed where you can choose between entering an already created class or creating a new one . If you choose to join a class, it will ask you for the specific URL of that class, and if you click Create a class you will start the process to create a new one.

You will go to a screen that warns you that if you use Classroom in an educational center, you must manage it from a GSuite account for educational centers. After that warning, coming from pressing Create a class you will enter the screen where you have to write the class data . You have to give it a name, a section, choose the subject and specify a classroom.

After creating your new class, you can enter it. When you do, the first thing you will do is access the main board with the summary of your entire class. Above all you can see that there are several tabs with sections that you have to enter. But on the board you will already have direct access to create and schedule announcements, write normal publications or respond to those of the students.

How to use Google Classroom 1

How to use Google Classroom


If you enter the tab Classwork , is where you see all the tasks you have created. Here, you can click on the Create button to start creating content for your classroom, which can be tasks or questions, upload material or organize all the work in modules or units through the Topics option .

How to use Google Classroom

How to use Google Classroom


If you choose the option to create tasks , you will enter the creation tab where you can put a title and description. Below you can attach files from your PC, and create different types of office documents with Google tools. On the right you can specify the delivery dates, the topic to which the points obtained are and upload an evaluation guide. Here it is you who should take the time to familiarize yourself with the process and configure the tasks.

On the other hand, if you choose the option to upload material , you can attach files from a link, from your computer, from Google Drive or upload YouTube videos. This is didactic material that your students will be able to use to study, and to the right you can specify if all the students can see it or only some, and specify the topic.

Finally, if you enter the People tab you can add new students and teachers to your class by inviting them through their Gmail emails, which link to their Google accounts. In this list you can also manage students by silencing them or sending emails. There is a fourth Grades tab , where you will see each student’s grades depending on how you have been grading their assignments.

Microsoft Teams is a hub where all teamwork is concentrated in Office 365. Manage all your team’s chats, meetings, files, and applications in one place.

What is Microsoft TEAMS?

Microsoft Teams is a business communication platform that brings together the best Office capabilities. Teams is based on chat-based communication and collaboration.

What sets Teams apart from their rivals is their seamless integration of apps trusted by business users every day, including messaging, Office 365, video conferencing, file sharing, collaborative editing, and Teams-based planning.

How Microsoft Teams Works

Teams makes it easy to create dedicated spaces for project teams, business units, work teams, and other groups to communicate and collaborate. By creating a ‘team’ and assigning users, organizations can establish private group chat rooms (called ‘channels’) to plan, manage and deliver work.

Each team can configure multiple channels to keep discussion topics focused and organized. For example, you can create a team for corporate services staff and use three separate channels to discuss social events, staff training, and process improvement.

The channels are easy to use and offer a familiar experience to other popular messaging applications. The conversations are grouped together in one thread so you can access all group chat messages in one place. Users receive notifications when a new message is available. Group calls and video chats can also be started with one click from each channel.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams and Office 365: a winning combination

Channel benefits are not limited to team chat. Microsoft Teams integrates a range of Office 365 capabilities including: SharePoint, Word, PowerPoint, Project, Power BI, …

Team members can use channels to create, edit, and collaborate on documents and tasks, with each user’s changes visible in real time. Changes can also be automatically synchronized with OneDrive or SharePoint to ensure the latest version is always available and accessible.

Microsoft has big plans to continue improving computers over time, with nearly 200 updates currently in development on the product roadmap.

Teams Microsoft Features

Microsoft Teams is one of the most popular communication platforms in the world, and for good reason. It is designed to meet the important communication and collaboration needs of business teams, regardless of location or device choice. Key features include:

Instant messaging

  • Instantly connect with team members at different locations and devices.
  • Private chat-based messaging
  • Group chat-based messages with access controls
  • Minimize email volumes between team members.
  • Allow team members to work more flexibly
  • Easy-to-read chat windows with full visible chat history
  • Seamlessly toggle between chat, voice calls, video calls and screen sharing
  • Receive and customize alerts for chat-based messages
  • Access GIFs, stickers, and emojis to support team culture and communication.

Voice and video calls

  • Make high-quality voice calls and video calls to individuals or groups
  • Call people anywhere in the world and from any device
  • Initiate voice or video calls with a single click
  • Use screen sharing to collaborate in real time from any location


  • Organize meetings, presentations and events for users anywhere in the world.
  • Provide a high-quality interactive video experience for up to 10,000 participants \
  • Easy access to documents and data stored in Office 365
  • Record meetings and calls so no one gets lost


  • Work flexibly by accessing Teams on the device that suits you: phone, tablet or laptop
  • Enjoy a perfect user experience, with Teams versions optimized for different devices.
  • Switch between devices without problems or delays
  • Experience high-quality video and audio from any device
  • View, edit and collaborate on documents in real time from any device

Applications and integrations

  • Integration of Office 365 capabilities into a single workspace including chat, voice and video calls, file sharing, collaboration, and planning
  • Access to plugins like Twitter, Trello, Google Analytics and more so teams can access the tools they need outside of Office 365 in one place
  • Create your own custom app, like QBot, for your team or organization

Security and compliance

  • Integrated security, compliance and management tools to optimize IT security
  • Advanced data protection capabilities
  • Granular access and security controls.
Microsoft TEAMS

Microsoft TEAMS


Why Microsoft TEAMS?

If you really want to increase productivity, improve employee engagement, and make the most of your Office 365 investment, Microsoft Teams is the right collaboration platform.

Here are five reasons why companies choose TEAMS:

  1. Seamless integration with the rest of Office 365

One of Teams’ advantages over other collaboration software is that it integrates seamlessly with Office 365 and third-party applications. Users don’t need to switch applications to schedule a meeting, edit a Word document, or ask a colleague a question.

In addition, Teams puts all Office 365 communication and collaboration tools in one place, promoting user adoption and ensuring the maximum return on your Office 365 investment.

  1. A unique platform for collaboration and teamwork.

Keeping track of conversations and files is challenging when collaborating via email. With a Microsoft Teams solution, all documents and conversations are in one easy-to-access location. And because Teams is a cloud-based app, team members can edit documents together in real time.

  1. Communication on the go

The speed of work makes it necessary to have tools accessible from any device. Microsoft Teams can also schedule and join meetings, access files, and chat with colleagues on mobile devices.

  1. Customizable to meet the needs of your business.

Do you need a document signing workflow or bot to manage employee inquiries? Microsoft Teams has a set of applications and bots that you can use to improve functionality.

  1. Scheduling and organizing meetings is easy

Microsoft Teams meetings are easy to schedule, sync with Outlook, and have integrated audio, video, and screen sharing capabilities. For group meetings, you don’t need a dial number or PIN – everyone on the team can join.

When to use Microsoft TEAMS

What is the hardest part of getting started with Microsoft Teams solutions? Decide where to start.

The Microsoft Teams web app is flexible, customizable, and can be customized to fit almost any purpose. And while these are intrinsically positive traits, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by what is possible. Let’s see some practical examples:

Microsoft Teams for Customer Service Workers

From receptionists and retailers to customer service officers and medical professionals, front-line workers are the visible face of a company. Microsoft Teams services empower front-line workers by addressing the challenges associated with mobile, shift-based, and customer-oriented work. Provides:

  • A secure and integrated platform to communicate with employees at all locations.
  • 24/7 mobile access to company information
  • Mobile access to training materials.
  • Access to workforce management systems such as timesheets and rosters from a single platform (coming soon)
  • Tools to support, recognize and praise staff for their achievements.
  • Advanced messaging and security features to protect corporate data.

Microsoft Teams in education

As the workforce becomes more competitive, tomorrow’s students need highly developed collaborative skills and critical thinking. Schools and universities are looking for platforms like Microsoft Teams to unlock new ways to participate, collaborate and learn.

Microsoft Teams for HR

In today’s modern workplaces, employees are geographically dispersed, work flexibly, do their jobs online, and adopt new tools and technologies. And that has presented a series of new challenges for human resources personnel.

Microsoft Teams in sales and marketing

From brainstorming marketing campaigns through chat, to working on projects in creative, whiteboard-style digital workspaces, the Microsoft Teams web app simplifies sales and marketing communication.

Cloud Computing

Companies are constantly looking for new ways to increase productivity, security and profitability of their operations. In the case of large companies this is a natural way, because there is almost always money and even departments of innovation. In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, despite having the same importance, this is a more delicate route due to the reduced budget and the smaller margin of error. Cloud computing technology meets this bottleneck and brings many possibilities.

A study by Gartner shows that by 2020, companies that do not use cloud computing will be as rare as those who do not use the Internet today. That’s because most of the technological innovations are cloud-centric. According to the article ‘The ROI of Cloud ERP for SMBs’, the cloud business software market (ERP) accounts for only 2 to 7 percent of the total market. However, the forecast is that this percentage doubles every 5 years.According to Paessler AG’s “The State of Cloud Acceptance by SMBs”, which heard 2,000 IT decision makers in the US, UK and Germany, 63.5% of companies with fewer than 500 employees rely on cloud computing and are planning to expand the IT services they run in the cloud over the next few years.

Gartner analysts also predict that by 2020, more computing power will have been sold by laaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) in the cloud than technologies sold and deployed in enterprise data centers. This is a representative transformation, since the IaaS market has grown by 40% per year since 2011 and is expected to continue to grow by more than 25% per year by 2019.

That said, we know that Cloud Computing will still bring about major changes in the near future. But why should an SME prioritize migration to the cloud?

Affordable cost

The main reason for SMEs to adopt cloud computing is obviously the costs. Hiring a service in the cloud is much cheaper than building and maintaining a data center, since the structure would involve spending on electricity (about 33% of the consumption of each establishment), skilled labor that is not leased to other areas in addition to system maintenance, in addition to network costs. Meanwhile, by adopting cloud computing, the whole of this equation is solved in a monthly fee.

Office 365 – The solution for integrated cloud services!

The main reason for SMEs to adopt cloud computing is obviously the costs. Hiring a service in the cloud is much cheaper than building and maintaining a data center, since the structure would involve spending on electricity (about 33% of the consumption of each establishment), skilled labor that is not leased to other areas in addition to system maintenance, in addition to network costs. Meanwhile, by adopting cloud computing, the whole of this equation is solved in a monthly fee.

ROI (Return of Investment)

In addition to the much lower cost, another benefit of cloud computing that can be calculated in figures is the return on investment, ie it is possible to tangibilize in how long the amount spent by the company will be offset. Nucleus Research reported a ROI calculation from the adoption of enterprise cloud software and ranged from 73% to 589% with a payback time ranging from 2 to 23 months, with average annual benefits of $ 72,790.00 a $ 715,603.00.


Cloud computing enables remote work, among other things, enabling managers and employees to access any type of company data anytime, anywhere. This technology was one of the main responsible for the increase of the Home Office modality.

That is, cloud computing allows a much faster and faster service delivery than traditional computing would be capable of.


Scalability in cloud computing allows the expansion of technological resources according to the needs of the company, being able to follow the growth of the company over time or even a temporary need to increase the computational resources to perform a certain work in a short period of time. time. Providing the necessary resources very quickly, not requiring large investments in software, equipment and teams.

  • Benefits of scalability:
  • Reduction of costs;
  • Elasticity: Possibility to increase or reduce computational resources, according to the company’s need;
  • Effective use of available IT resources.


Because of the high collaboration that cloud computing provides organizations, the productivity of your company will only grow with the adoption of the same. For example, a file can be viewed and edited by several people from the same organization at the same time, without the need to save a file, send an email, wait for another colleague to get back to work.

Equally important factor are the backups. While traditional ones take hours, this process is automatic in the cloud system.

Additionally, it becomes much simpler to cross-company data to produce any type of report.

Additionally, it becomes much simpler to cross-company data to produce any type of report.

What’s New in Microsoft 365 Can Optimize Your Business Productivity! 


The biggest discussion of the year was about data security. The cloud provider is responsible for the security of the Data Center where your company information is stored. This means that all information is located in an environment with maximum security, thus protecting your employees and your business as a whole.

There are those who think that if company data is not stored in internal hard drives, there is a greater risk of losing the information or that it is being invaded.

Is your company already suitable for LGPD?

But international security standards require advanced encryption, SSL, ISO and other protection tools, which makes these possibilities practically nil.

And with the automated backups mentioned earlier, if any errors occur, all company data will be available on another server a few clicks away.

And with the automated backups mentioned earlier, if any errors occur, all company data will be available on another server a few clicks away.

The Data Age is a path with no return

We are in the midst of the Data Age and all companies, even the medium and small ones, cannot fail to be prepared for the real advent of the market that is now Data Driven. In fact, Data is the main asset that each company has and to use them for business and revenue generation is the difference between competing, winning and even existing in the years ahead.

Monetizing data with applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics, among other advances is the mission of managers tuned in the new economy.

Cloud Computing is first and foremost an enabler for the data input, to gain the most important highlight in each corporation generating benefits, revenue increase and even new lines of business.

To postpone such an important decision is to leave a flank open for obsolescence and misalignment in this new Data Age.

Accounting SW

Accounting SW

Advantages of using Accounting Software

Updated accounting data has many advantages for any establishment, and these advantages will be more valuable if you manage it through an accounting software. Through it you will know what happens in your business, reports will be generated automatically and without losing effort or time in them.

Accounting software or accounting systems are designed to organize, control and simplify accounting tasks within a company, whether a small, medium or multinational company. The implementation of accounting software in your company allows you to unify and automate the accounting and commercial operation, and to manage resources more efficiently.

All this will cause you to improve a lot in the management and planning of the company’s financial and accounting resources.

Therefore, let us discuss about the benefits of using accounting software:

  1. Savings.

Generally, a software transforms the operative tasks into automatic tasks. This allows users to save a lot of their company’s resources such as time and people; for instances, a company will need fewer people and less time to accomplish a task, as accounting software streamlines each task that you had to do manually before.

Accounting software allows you to save a lot of time, not only with the updated operational functions, but also with the ease of generating statistics and quality reports. In addition, having everything automated reduces the possibility of errors.

  1. Improvement of business management

Accounting software facilitate the management and decision making of the company, by having the ‘management of income and expenses accounts’ feature, in which the data are unified and stored in one place. Moreover, the data will be provided to keep the business running smoothly, to take it on the right path.

  1. Simplification

Keeping up to date accounting and doing it properly has been a big headache for many workers. However, accounting software allow users to simply automate the work and streamline the daily tasks; users will have time to focus on important tasks and free up from unnecessary manual activities and the stress they bring.

  1. Availability

Having the information unified and centralized all in one Accounting software, allows users to have the data always available, and to access it at all times and without any limitation. As before employees had to always access from the same computer or depend on the report, nowadays employees work with information stored in the cloud, allowing them to manage the information from any place and at any time.


  1. Confidentiality and security

Accounting software in the cloud gives you the peace of mind you need. Your information is available 24/7, at your fingertips when and where you require it, stored in fully reliable and secure systems, away from any computer attack or any accident. You can monitor your accounting movements from your preferred mobile device: cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc. With your updated information you have transparency and facility to make decisions. The benefits of accounting software in the cloud are mainly:

  • have the information updated;
  • access the information you require on time;
  • Keep all information secure.

There is no better way to ensure compliance with accounting standards than to use a solid accounting system. H.A. Consultancies provides a full range of accounting systems that can accommodate for the needs of any small, medium, or large companies operating in Bahrain. Our accounting experts will be able to provide guidance in choosing the best accounting software to meet your needs and help setup the system and migrate accounting data error-free.


SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is the standard technology that uses encryption algorithms to scramble data in transit. This aims to keep internet connections secure and safeguards any sensitive data that is being sent between two computers which prevents hackers from modifying and reading any information transferred.


SSL Certificate

To implement SSL for your website, first you must get an SSL certificate. SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s detail, or simply it is a paragraph of letters and numbers that only your site knows – like a really “long password”. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure data transfer from a web server to a browser.


How to get SSL Certificate

Technically speaking you can create an SSL Certificate by yourself, but the problem is that all the popular browsers check with “Certificate Authorities” (CA’s) which also have a copy of that “long password” and can vouch for you. In order to be recognized by these authorities, you must purchase a certificate through them.

That is why you must pay a Certificate Authority for your SSL certificate. But before rushing up and buying you SSL Certificate, you should check with your web hosting provider because maybe your web hosting package might include a free SSL certificate.


Implementing SSL

After getting your SSL certificate, you have to do three more steps to implement SSL on your website:

  1. Activate the SSL certificate (Note: your web host might do this step for you).
  2. Install the certificate (Note: your web host might also do this step for you).
  3. Update your site to use HTTPS.


About H.A. Consultancies

H.A. Consultancies is a business, marketing, ISO, and ICT consulting firm based in Bahrain and operates in Saudi, Oman, and the UAE. It has been operating since 2012 and has over 6,000 clients all over the region.


H.A.’s ICT Services

  • Customized ERP Solutions
  • Customized CRM Solutions
  • Microsoft Azure Cloud Services
  • Microsoft Office 365 Services
  • Document Management Systems
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Mobile App Development
  • Website Development
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • ICT Infrastructure and Security Services
  • Networking – LAN/WAN and Wireless
  • Integrated Security System Services
  • Linking Multiple Business Locations
  • IP Telephony
  • Backup Solutions
  • Time and Attendance Systems
  • Retail and Hospitality Systems
  • Salon Management Systems
  • POS Systems